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handle bar tape manual
AUTHOR Tape AGR-Gel X7foto 1handle bar tape manual
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AGR-Gel X7

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Buy nowprice 750 Kč
The AUTHOR GEL X7 Eva foam tape with anti slip diamond surface on the top for perfect comfortable grip. On the bottom side is the silicone GEL insert – great handlebar fixation and less vibration function.
  • 3 layers technolgy -  Anti-slip PU with diamond surface and air holes, EVA foam and silicone GEL insert.
  • 2 pieces of tape - length of each 2 m.
  • Packing includes alloy cups with screw on insert.


Colour variantSizeIn storesPurchaseCityContacts on sellerModel code
2xl.200cm12 stores33558025
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Poznámka: Stav dostupnosti kola se aktualizuje 1× denně v ranních hodinách.

Product options

black / white2xl.200cm = UA#33558025