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AUTHOR Mudguards AXP-10
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Buy nowprice 450 Kč
High quality AUTHOR AXP full length mudguard set. Fenders are constructed from PET plastic and carry an aluminum foil insert, making them durable and light.
  • 3.0 mm stays and fork crown fittings are made of zinc plated steel.
  • For safety the front stays are mounted with security fastening clips.
  • Sliding rear bridge fitting.
  • Adjustable angle of rear and front stays.
  • Width 60 mm for wheel size 26”.
  • This product requires assembly by specialists.


Colour variantSizeIn storesPurchaseCityContacts on sellerModel code
26"/60mm12 stores16060503
 ▪   Bike Sportin stockbuy nowChrudim608 430 492, info@bike-sport-shop.czmap
 ▪   SPORT CYKLO s.r.o.orderorder nowHolešov603 373 886, sportcyklo@gmail.commap
 ▪   CYKLOSPORT H&Forderorder nowOpava 1777 330 072, info@cyklosporthf.czmap
 ▪   Kola Pešekorderorder nowPardubice - Staré Čívice733 706 797, info@kolapesek.czmap
 ▪   Ramala s.r.o.orderorder nowPlzeň377 322 435, plzen@ramala.czmap
 ▪   KOLA ŠILHAVÝ s.r.o.in stockbuy nowPlzeň602 495 439, silhavy@silhavy-ramala.czmap
 ▪   Velo Fialain stockbuy nowPraha 6725 729 111, tomas@velofiala.czmap
 ▪   CykloCentrum ESHOPorderorder nowPraha 7725 085 309, info@cyklocentrum.czmap
 ▪   Viaveloorderorder nowPraha 8 - Kobylisy777 700 150, sipal.ivan@seznam.czmap
 ▪   Jízdní kola Rezek - Rezkováorderorder nowRakovník313 517 417, jizdnikola.rezek@tiscali.czmap
 ▪   Pavel Brabecin stockbuy nowRumburk602 112 875, brabec.pavel@gmail.commap
 ▪   Flystorkorderorder nowTřebíč530 513 203, obchod@flystork.czmap
⟲  In other storesin 2 daysdealers
Poznámka: Stav dostupnosti kola se aktualizuje 1× denně v ranních hodinách.

Product options

silver26"/60mm = UA#16060503
