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AUTHOR Flashing light A-Star USB
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Star USB

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Buy nowspecial price 199 Kč
original price  299 Kč 
Rear light,1 red LED "Hi-Intense", (8 lm, 2000 MCD, 3,16 m). Rechargable Li battery with USB mini B cable connector (USB 2.0 A / Micro-B cabel included). Flashing cca 7 h, steady: high beam cca 2,5 h, low beam cca 4 h. Rubber strap. Battery life and charging indicator. 500 charging cycles, fully charged in cca 3 hours. Lens technology 'FocusLens' for high power light output.

Technical specification

LED type / Light outputLED / 8 lm.
Light intensity at 3.16 m2000 mcd / 3,16 m.
Run timeHigh beam up to 2,5 h.
Low beam up to 4 h.
Flashing up to 7 h.
BatteriesRechargeable Lithium-ion battery / 3,7 V / 80 mAh / > 500 cycles.
BracketUniversal, silicon rubber strap.
Others3 hours charging time.
USB mini B slot.
Low battery indicator.
Battery charging indicator.


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-11 stores12039151
 ▪   SPORT CYKLO s.r.o.orderorder nowHolešov603 373 886, sportcyklo@gmail.commap
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red / transparent-glass- = UA#12039151