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AUTHOR Bike Cleaner Cycle Clinic LemonTechFoam 750 ml
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AUTHOR Bike Cleaner Cycle Clinic LemonTechFoam 750 mlfoto 1foto 2
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CC Bike Cleaner LemonTechFoam 750 ml

Buy nowprice 225 Kč
The Bike Cleaner is the amazing new product from Cycle Clinic. This foaming cleaner with Lemon Tech formula is especially designed for the care of your bike. Our special foam trigger spray allows you to cover your bike or dirty area with the thick foam. Foam has the ability to remove all dirt and grime away from your bike.
  • Foaming cleaner with Lemon Tech formula.
  • Special foam trigger spray.
The oil and dirt is totally removed from cogs and derailleur’s once you will use Cycle Clinic Chain Cleaner before foam application.
Rinse bike thoroughly before applying Foam Bike Cleaner. Spray foam onto the entire bike including components and leave for 3-5 minutes. Agitate any stubborn grime with a brush or sponge (use Cycle Clinic Brush set). Rinse entire bike thoroughly with clean water (don’t use pressured water).
Store in a sealed containers, in a weather protected place, storing temperature must be between +10 .. 25 C.


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-8 stores10164125
 ▪   CykloCentrum Brnoin stockbuy nowBrno702 144 752, brno@cyklocentrum.czmap
 ▪   CykloCentrum České Budějovice in stockbuy nowČeské Budějovice725 121 449, budejovice@cyklocentrum.czmap
 ▪   CykloCentrum Havlíčkův Brod in stockbuy nowHavlíčkův Brod725 121 448, brod@cyklocentrum.czmap
 ▪   SPORT CYKLO s.r.o.in stockbuy nowHolešov603 373 886, sportcyklo@gmail.commap
 ▪   CEMOSin stockbuy nowKaznějov777 668 339, obchod@cemos.czmap
 ▪   Dům sportu Stratílek, s.r.o.in stockbuy nowLitomyšl606 613 399, cyklo@stratilek.czmap
 ▪   CykloCentrum Mladá Boleslav in stockbuy nowMladá Boleslav725 121 447, boleslav@cyklocentrum.czmap
 ▪   Jízdní kola Rezek - Rezkováin stockbuy nowRakovník313 517 417, jizdnikola.rezek@tiscali.czmap
Poznámka: Stav dostupnosti kola se aktualizuje 1× denně v ranních hodinách.

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